

Sepeda Anak Pacific Zeckrom TW001 BMX 4-7 Tahun 16 Inci Magnesium Alloy Caliper/Disc Brake Kids Bike

Deskripsi Produk

Magnesium can be used to engineer bike frames that are lighter than aluminum while maintaining high tensile strength and damping capabilities. All of that leads to a much smoother, more efficient ride.

Sorotan Produk

  • Rangka Magnesium Alloy
  • Rem Depan Caliper
  • Rem Belakang Cakram Mekanis

16" Pacific Zeckrom TW001 BMX 4-7 y/o Magnesium Alloy Caliper/Disc Brake Kids Bike

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Syarat & Ketentuan Berlaku

Spesifikasi Produk

  • Frame Magnesium
  • Fork Hi-Ten Steel
  • Front Brake Caliper Brake
  • Rear Brake Mechanical Disc Brake
  • Tires 16 x 2.125″

Detail Produk

Usia 4-7 Tahun
Jender Target: Laki-Laki

Identitas Produk

Merek Pacific, Nama Model Zeckrom TW001 BMX
Ukuran 16 inci
Jenis Produk Sepeda Anak, Kategori Produk Kids Bike

Sepeda Anak Pacific Zeckrom TW001 BMX 4-7 Tahun 16 Inci Magnesium Alloy Caliper/Disc Brake Kids Bike

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