

Sepeda DoesBike DB1601 Convoy 16 Inci - Black

16 Inch DoesBike 1601 Convoy Folding Bike with Carrier

Spesifikasi Produk
  • Rangka Besi
  • Fork Rigid
  • Pelek Aloi
  • 1 Speed (Single Speed)
  • Rem Depan dan Belakang V-Brake
  • Sepatbor
  • Bagasi (Carrier)
  • Standar

Detail Produk
Usia Remaja - Dewasa
Jender Target: Unisex
Kemasan: Berat Kotor 12,5kg; Berat Bersih: 11,5kg; Dimensi Kemasan: 104cm x 22cm x 54cm
Produk: Dimensi Produk Saat Dilipat 74cm x 38cm x 59cm
Warna: Black, White, Red, Orange, Blue, Green

Identitas Produk
Merek: DoesBike; Model: DB1601 Convoy with Carrier
Ukuran: 16 Inci
Jenis: Sepeda Lipat; Kategori Produk: Folding Bike

16 Inch DoesBike 1601 Convoy Folding Bike with Carrier 2 16 Inch DoesBike 1601 Convoy Folding Bike with Carrier 3
16 Inch DoesBike 1601 Convoy Folding Bike with Carrier
Sepeda DoesBike 1601 Convoy 16 Inci
Sepeda Lipat DoesBike 1601 Convoy 16 Inci

DoesBike 1601 Convoy - Black

DoesBike 1601 Convoy - Red

DoesBike 1601 Convoy - Blue

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  1. tempatnya di mana??????

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