Kereta bayi lightweight Babyelle S311 Mini Capsule Plus bobot sangat ringan karena rangka terbuat dari aluminium. Desain inovatif dan bergaya sangat cocok untuk bepergian, mudah dilipat dan ringkas. Generasi terbaru kereta dorong bayi persembahan dari Babyelle, kecil dan kokoh, teruji mampu menahan beban anak hingga 20kg, bisa berbaring hingga 120á´¼ dan dilengkapi dengan kanopi besar.
The Mini Capsule Stroller, thanks to an innovative, one-stage folding mechanism, collapses within seconds to form a complete package, making it possible to carry it onto flights as cabin baggage. With its especially reduced weight of only 4.9 kg, the buggy is easy to transport – the front push-bar then serves as a practical carrying handle. When folded up, the pushchair also stands vertically in a secure way, enabling it to be quickly set aside or stowed.
This pushchair is characterised by its high degree of user-friendliness. It is extremely compact, very light and operates intuitively, an excellent companion for families with small children.
Here is the mini capsule plus stroller feature:
1)Its innovative one-step folding technique allows you to switch from pushing to carrying in
seconds, it’s outstanding user experience make our “mini capsule”to be the very unique stroller in the market
2) Light weight 4.9kgs, with ultra-compact package for easy carry anytime, Perfect cabin size when travel aboard
3) Cleverly Self-Stands design after folded. More convenient to store at any place and keep
hand free.
4) it can be carried on plane and store in baggage rack
5) the front bumper bar can use as carry bar after folding
Jender Target: Unisex
Kemasan: Berat Bersih: 5,6kg; Berat Kotor: 6,5kg; Dimensi Kemasan: 29cm x 28,5cm x 54cm
Dimensi Produk: 82,5cm X 47cm X 120 cm; Dimensi Produk Saat Dilipat: 30,5cm X 27cm X 55cm (dengan bilah depan pegangan)
Jenis Produk Kereta Bayi Lightweight, Kategori Produk Lightweight Baby Stroller
The Mini Capsule Stroller, thanks to an innovative, one-stage folding mechanism, collapses within seconds to form a complete package, making it possible to carry it onto flights as cabin baggage. With its especially reduced weight of only 4.9 kg, the buggy is easy to transport – the front push-bar then serves as a practical carrying handle. When folded up, the pushchair also stands vertically in a secure way, enabling it to be quickly set aside or stowed.
This pushchair is characterised by its high degree of user-friendliness. It is extremely compact, very light and operates intuitively, an excellent companion for families with small children.
Babyelle S311 Mini Capsule Plus New Born-3 y/o The Next Generation Cabin Size Stroller
Cicilan 0% Kartu Kredit*, Belanja Online di Toko | blibliinstore, Virtual Account
Kredit Sepeda Cukup KTP | Aeon Credit Service, Cicilan Tanpa Kartu Kredit Online | Kredivo,
Syarat & Ketentuan BerlakuComply with EN1888 European Pushchairs and Prams Standard
This product is produced in accordance with the new European Safety Standards ensuring maximum safety and comfort for your child.Spesifikasi Produk
- Kereta dorong ukuran kabin yang kokoh dan bergaya
- Rangka aluminium
- 2 pengaturan posisi sandaran sandaran hingga 120á´¼ (ada tali tarik di belakang sandaran)
- Dudukan lebih lebar menjadi lebih nyaman untuk anak, lebar dudukan +/- 32 cm
- Sabuk pengaman 5-titik
- Buka atau lipat cepat dengan satu tombol dengan 1 tangan (one-step folding)
- Pengaman depan yang dapat dilepas (dapat dibawa sebagai carry handle saat terlipat)
- Tatakan kaki untuk kenyamanan
- Kanopi lebar dilengkapi dengan jendela atas (skylight window)
- Kunci kait saat terlipat
- Roda depan dengan pengunci arah
- Roda belakang dengan rem satu pijakan
- Disertai dengan tas travel
Here is the mini capsule plus stroller feature:
1)Its innovative one-step folding technique allows you to switch from pushing to carrying in
seconds, it’s outstanding user experience make our “mini capsule”to be the very unique stroller in the market
2) Light weight 4.9kgs, with ultra-compact package for easy carry anytime, Perfect cabin size when travel aboard
3) Cleverly Self-Stands design after folded. More convenient to store at any place and keep
hand free.
4) it can be carried on plane and store in baggage rack
5) the front bumper bar can use as carry bar after folding
Detail Produk
Usia New Born-3 TahunJender Target: Unisex
Kemasan: Berat Bersih: 5,6kg; Berat Kotor: 6,5kg; Dimensi Kemasan: 29cm x 28,5cm x 54cm
Dimensi Produk: 82,5cm X 47cm X 120 cm; Dimensi Produk Saat Dilipat: 30,5cm X 27cm X 55cm (dengan bilah depan pegangan)
Identitas Produk
Merek Babyelle, Nama Model S311 Mini Capsule PlusJenis Produk Kereta Bayi Lightweight, Kategori Produk Lightweight Baby Stroller
Kereta Bayi Lightweight Babyelle S311 Mini Capsule Plus New Born-3 Tahun The Next Generation of Cabin Size Stroller!
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