Pliko PK308 Hammock Baby Bouncer and Rocking Chair 40kg
Daftar Harga: Baby Bouncers Pliko
Spesifikasi Produk
2 in One Bouncer and Rocker,: Dapat difungsikan sebagai:- Bouncer:
- Kursi bayi new born - 6 bulan,
- Musik
- Getaran yang lembut menenangkan bayi Anda
- Musik
- Lampu
- Rocker:
- Kursi goyang: Ayunan jungkat-jungkit untuk bayi 1 tahun hingga beban maksimum 27kg
- Sabuk pengaman 3-Titik
- Mainan gantung
- Deluxe soft toys
- Deluxe pillow
- 2 Pengaturan Posisi Rebah
- Warna cerah dan menarik
- Mudah dirakit
3 Fase Penggunaan
- Phase 1: With the foot of unfolded support and the reclined endorsement, so that your baby rest placidly. It is the position recommended for the babies up to 6 months, that not yet have the muscularity of the developed affluent back.
- Phase 2: With the right seat and the foot of gathered support, so that your baby has a greater field of vision at this time of discoverions. In addition will be to play with toys of the bar
- Phase 3: With the right seat and support foot up, so your child rests and balances, utilizing the hammock like a rocking chairc
Detail Produk
Usia New Born - 40kgKemasan: Berat kotor: 3,5kg; Berat bersih: 3kg; Dimensi kemasan: 60cm x 10cm x 45cm
Dimensi Produk: 66cm x 42cm x 63cm
Comply with EN71 European Safety Standard
Identitas Produk
Merek Pliko, Nomor dan Nama Model PK308 Hammock Rocking Chair 27kgJenis Produk Baby Bouncer and Rocker, Kategori Produk Baby Bouncer and Rocking Chair
Baby Bouncer Pliko PK308 Hammock Rocking Chair 40kg
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ongkos kirim ke pekanbaru?
BalasHapusBaby Bouncer Pliko PK308 Rocking Chair Hammock up to 27kg,harga Rp425.000,harga tidak termasuk ongkos kirim.
HapusMohon cantumkan alamat lengkap dan kodepos,untuk menentukan ongkos kirim.
Hapusstock masih ya? ongkir ke sby semolowaru kode post 60119 berapa?
BalasHapusBaby Bouncer Pliko PK308 Rocking Chair Hammock 27kg stok habis.
HapusBagaimana kalau ambil Baby Bouncer Fisher-Price Newborn-to-Toddler Portable Rocker New Born - 18kg harga Rp600.000,-
Ongkos kirim ke Surabaya kota Rp60.000,- dikirim via ekspedisi tiba ditujuan 7hari kerja ekspedisi.