

Kereta Bayi LightWeight BABYELLE S603RH Aspen - Hadap Depan atau Belakang

Kereta Bayi BabyElle 603 Aspen
Comply with European Safety Standard EN1888. This product is produced in accordance with the new European Safety Standards ensuring maximum safety and comfort for your child.

Daftar harga:

Comply with EN1888 European Pushchairs and Prams Standard

This product is produced in accordance with the new European Safety Standards ensuring maximum safety and comfort for your child.

Spesifikasi Produk

  • Five-points safety harness
  • Multi-position reclining seat back
  • Reversible handle: Orientasi Hadap Depan atau Belakang
  • Lightweight and compact frame for easy travel

  • Convenient one-hand fold and self-standing design
  • Detachable front tray dan cup holder
  • Large storage basket
  • Rear Locking Brakes

Detail Produk

Usia New Born - 3 Tahun
Beban Maksimum 15kg

Identitas Produk

Merek BABYELLE, Nama Model S603RH Aspen
Jenis Produk Kereta Bayi, Kategori Produk Baby Stroller

Gambar ini Sebagai Ilustrasi Saja. Ketersediaan Warna Produk Dapat Berbeda
Spesifikasi Sewaktu-waktu Dapat Berubah Tanpa Pemberitahuan Terlebih Dahulu

Daftar harga: Kereta Bayi BABYELLE

Produk sejenis: Kereta Bayi, Kereta Bayi Branded, Kereta Bayi Premium

Produk merek yang sama: Babyelle

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4 komentar:

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