

Sepeda BMX Wimcycle FS Reactor 20 Inci

Sepeda BMX Wimcycle FS Reactor 20 Inci

Wimcycle FS Reactor Sepeda BMX 20 Inci

Spesifikasi Produk

  • Hi-Ten Boma Frame
  • BMX Oversized Threadless Forkstem
  • Tribal Saddle Print
  • Front and Rear Alloy V-Brake with Alloy Lever
  • Hockey Type Chainguard
  • Alloy Rims with Black Spokes

Detail Produk

Usia 8 Tahun +
Color: White, Blue

Identitas Produk

Merek Wimcycle, Nomor/Nama Model FS Reactor
Jenis Produk Sepeda BMX, Kategori Produk BMX Bike

20" Wimcycle FS Reactor BMX Bike

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Daftar harga:

Produk sejenis: Sepeda BMX, Sepeda BMX Branded, Sepeda BMX Premium

Produk merek sama: Wimcycle

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