

Super Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kg

Super Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kg

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Spesifikasi Produk

  • 3 different melody music provide comfortable feelings for your baby
  • Gentle 2 speed vibration to sooth your baby
  • Reclinable seat as the baby grow.
  • It can function as a rocking chair as the baby grows (up to 40 kgs)
  • Equipped with 3 point safety harness and waist crutch strap
  • Removable and washable seat pad
  • Folds flat for easy storage
  • Toy bar with soft toys

Detail Produk

Suitable for newborn baby up to 40 kgs
Kemasan: 46cm x 14cm x 49cm: Berat Kotor 4,15kg; Berat Bersih 3,65kg
Warna: Kenzo, Blue Summer. Viridian Blue, Field & Garden

Super Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kg

Identitas Produk

Merek Care, Nomor dan Nama Model CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker
Jenis Produk Baby Bouincer, Kategori Produk Seats - Bouncers and Rockers
Super Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgCare Elfe Super BouncerSuper Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgSuper Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgSuper Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgSuper Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgCare Elfe Super BouncerCare Elfe Super Bouncer

3 Posisi Pengaturan: Duduk, Rebah, Tidur

Super Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgSuper Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kgSuper Bouncer Care CBR6901 Elfe Dreamy Rocker New Born up to 40kg
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