

Baby Bouncer Weeler 6768 Soft Snug Opp

Baby Bouncer Weeler 6768 Soft Snug Opp

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Spesifikasi Produk

  • Contoured seat for cradling comfort
  • Engaging toys
  • Soothing vibrations
  • Removable toy bar

Detail Produk

Usia New Born - 9kg
Beban 3 - 9kg
Kemasan: Berat kotor: 2,64 kg; Berat bersih: 2,30kg; Dimensi kemasan: 52cm x 9cm x 37cm
Dimensi Produk:

Identitas Produk

Merek Weeler, Nomor dan Nama Model 6768 Soft Snug Opp
Jenis Produk Baby Bouncer, Kategori Produk Bouncer and Rocker
Baby Bouncer Weeler 6768 Soft Snug OppBaby Bouncer Weeler 6768 Soft Snug OppBaby Bouncer Weeler 6768 Soft Snug Opp
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